difficult decisions
Karla & I met with Dr. Iqbal 2 weeks ago to decide upon our future course of action. It appears that I am no longer responding to my current chemo regimen. Plan B would involve numerous horrendous side effects in exchange for, according to medical data, 2 or 3 extra months. We have decided, for the time being, to stop chemo altogether and remain in the loop for promising clinical trials. We can always change our minds and go back onto chemotherapy.
The most difficult aspect of this is not that, from a scientific perspective, the 4-5 years I had hoped for now looks like something much shorter. Science does not always account for the possibilities of divine power through the prayers of one's faith community, not to mention the unique capabilities of each human body. Moreover, new breakthroughs in cancer research appear all the time, so who knows what could happen? The diificult part, rather, is that I have now begun to feel the physical effects of the tumors growing in my body.
In particular, I have developed ascites, a condition in which the liver produces and retains excess fluids. This makes it difficult to breath and places tremendous strain on my back muscles. (More than one mother has told me that I look and sound as if I were pregnant.) Every 4 or 5 days, I go to the hospital for a paracentesis, a procedure that usually draws 2-4 liters of fluid off my gut. I suppose one major consideration that would cause me to go back onto chemotherapy would be to learn that it could probably reverse this condition. We'll meet with Dr. Iqbal again next week to discuss this further.
I've also begun to come to terms with something that I've managed to hide from myself for a while: that I am struggling with some degee of depression. It's not that I sit around feeling depressed, but I do experience many of the symptoms normally associated with depression. I don't sleep well at night. The dark humor that I used to enjoy so much in the past now bothers me on a deep level. It's more difficult than before to read reports on Iraq, global warming, or political and economic oppression. Even in fiction, depictions of physical or emotional harm to human beings have become very painful to read or watch.
Here again, I find Job, the Psalms, and the Prophets so comforting. In addition to their cries for justice, words of praise and thanksgiving, theological reflections, and visions of a better future, the authors often express their fears and even despondency over the fates of their own bodies. God honors their most intimate emotions and embraces them into the divine breast.
What can I say? The question "how are you doing" is simply more complex than it sounds.
Dearest Scott and Karla,
Like you, I hoped for 4-5 good years for you with your body ticking along until the battery wore out. The difficult and heartbreaking reality is that you're getting neither of these.
Your post resonated with an article by Elizabeth Edwards I read in (true confessions) People magazine today. In case you want to find this, it's the August 20th issue with Kirstie Alley and Valarie Bertinelli on the cover telling all about how they lost and have kept off their collective 105 pounds.
Elizabeth Edward writes:
"We are not in denial. I will die much sooner than I want to. I will leave a splendid man and an amazing daughter with yet another funeral to attend when they place me me in the ground next to Wade (the Edwards son killed in a 1996 traffic accident) and I will not be able to comfort them. And I will leave two magical children whom I love with all my being too early."
"Jack (one of their younger children) asked me who would be the grandmother of his children. How could I answer? I tried to speak, but the truth was that unless there is a breakthrough, I will not see the birth of his children. I know these truths."
Edwards goes on to describe her conviction to live the rest of her days baking brownies and enjoying her children, a similar kind of focus of what she can/can't deal with. Scott, you have to know that you have been WAY above average in being able to think about hard issues. There are many days when I cannot read about Iraq or global warming or a new conflict, etc.. (Hmm, I wonder how reading People magazine fits into this coping mechanism?)
We love you, we are praying that you would rest in the embrace of God.
Susan Lane
"There are four evidences of divine mercy here below: the favours of God to beings capable of contemplation (these states exist and form part of their experience as creatures); the radiance of these beings and their compassion, which is the divine compassion in them; the beauty of the world. The fourth evidence is the complete absence of mercy here below. (1)"
- Simone Weil, Gravity and Grace
(1) It is precisely by this antithesis, this rending of our souls between the effects of grace within us and the beauty of the world around us, on the one hand, and the implacable necessity which rules the universe on the other, that we discern God as both present to man and as absolutely beyond all human measurement.
Praying for you, Scott. Thank you, as always, for taking the time to share with your friends and fans and readers.
I, for one, will not ask you how you are doing... you are gracious enough to share that with us through this blog. I will tell you however, that you are loved and we lift you up daily in prayer to continue the battle. You are an amazing and inspirational person and I am blessed to know you. Loving you and Karla! **BIG HUGS**
Dear, dear Scott and Karla:
I'm so very sorry to learn of these setbacks. When confronted with situations like this in the lives of people I love - like you two - I imagine peering into a giant box full of Wonderful Breakthroughs In Medical Technology (WBIMT) and wondering, "Is there anything in there for my loved ones?" Sometimes it seems like there's something for just about everyone else.
Scott, when I read your comments about depression, my initial reaction was, "It's about time!" I had a similar response to The Madman of West Covina. As you are aware, I know his cousin, The Madman of West Seattle, quite well. What I found striking was your lack of familiarity with "the darkest corner of [your] id." For those of us who are more familiar with that dark corner, your life calls us to higher ground. Stop rolling your eyes - it's true. I'm not quite suggesting that you are without sin, but your commitment and thought-fullness helps others like me understand more about what the kingdom of God actually looks like. Thanks again for that.
As a fellow traveler through the dreary fog of depression, I can offer one piece of advice: advice is worthless. The steady love of friends, however, is a different matter, and so is laughter. (I've experienced better living through chemistry with anti-depressants, but understand that more meds might have limited appeal right now.) I'll send the address to my new blog - maybe it will provide some laughs.
I hope there's some substantial relief on the way for both of you. In the meantime you are on our hearts and in our prayers always. We love you like crazy and we're pulling for you.
Oh so fondly,
Tom Lane
Dear Scott.
I wouldn't want to read news about Iraq either, especially if I thought it didn't fit with Bible prophecy. However, if you are feeling daring, read Jeremiah 50 and 51 and, who knows? You just might see God's hand in it. Also, Habakkuk 1 and 2 seems to have been fulfilled since Iraq invaded Kuwait. I won't give reasons for these passages fitting with Iraq in our times because, well, I don't want to give you false hopes if I'm wrong. Still, though, they got ME through a lot of bleakness, because, there is something hopeful in Habakkuk, of all places. Just have to look for it.
Anyway, Scott. My prayers, OUR prayers, continue for you. We DO have a God who can do miracles. I'll continue to hold out hope for you with one no matter HOW bleak it looks, my friend.
your friend,
There are times when "Oh, God!" is both blasphemous and a prayer. And so I blaspheme and pray simultaneously. I liked what Tom said about advice being useless at this time but love is priceless. You and Karla are so loved and we hate that our embraces are from so far away.
If empathy helps, I was shocked when I realized (mostly in retrospect) that I had similar signs of depression--namely after a miscarriage and early in pregnancy. Obviously it was hormonal, but that didn't make me sleep better at night or get me off the couch during the day. Chocolate didn't even help. So again, I have no advice, no wisdom, only love to send.
By the way, I love your posts and have always gleened some wisdom and humor from them. But lately, I have also gotten a lot out of those who respond to your blog. Scott, as iron sharpens iron, you are honing many, many people.
Your friend,
As you counseled me years ago, I will offer no advise or "wisdom." Only love and prayers for you and Karla. You will always hold a special place in my heart, dear friends. Thanks for attaching yourself to Kermit the Frog and The Simpsons in my mind. I can never watch either without thoughts of you.... and thankfully, there is usually laughter associated with both! With much love, d2
Scott and Karla,
As Donna said earlier, no advice, just offers of prayers and expressions of support, as small as they may seem in the circumstances.
The words from one of your earlier responders struck me: the "rending of our souls between the effects of grace within us and the beauty of the world around us, on the one hand, and the implacable necessity which rules the universe on the other." Eloquent words from where I sit.
But perhaps all that matters is you are suffering and need relief -- relief from the symptoms and side effects, compassionate medical care, sleep, God's presence, support when you need it, privacy when you don't, and a dose of normalcy at least every now and then. So these are what I am praying for you both.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and experiences.
God bless you and hold you both in His care,
Potsticker -
I sometimes feel like I am repeating myself over and over again when I comment on your blog. Or maybe I am just repeating after everyone else. I pray for you every day and thank the Lord for our friendship, which means the world to me.
Sending lots of virtual hugs your way...
Hey, I can't see Kermit or the Simpsons without thinking of you, either! Or balloon animals. Or stuffed Desmond Tutus.
Heh, or Pulp Fiction.
Come on, I had to. :)
Hi Scott,
Thanks again for keeping us all updated. I don't have any advice or words of wisdom for you, I just want you to know that you're in my thoughts and prayers.
-Cathy Wright
Dear Scott and Karla,
I know we're one of the infrequent correspondents, but we are thinking of and praying for you. I can't even imagine how difficult this must be. I pray that the glimmer of hope - for miraculous healing, new research, treatments, etc. will continue to shine.
-Margaret, Jeremy & Evelyn
I look around my office, my bookshelf in particular, and see the marks of your life everywhere - the theology assignments that staff still work on for licensure, the books by authors whose names I can't pronounce, articles you passed my way. Just the other day I was thinking of the Seattle earthquake and the image is forever seared in my mind of you standing in a doorway, holding out your hand and beckoning me to come to that place of safety - you've done that in many ways for many people - and I only wish I were there with you to hug you and let you know how grateful I am to know you as co-worker, brother, and friend. You remain in my prayers -
And, Scott. I'll never forget you either. The editor of our high school paper, director of "Alice In Wonderland", "I'm tired of going up the down staircase", the "Bear Claws" that made one time in history class incredibly painful as I and my brother tried so hard NOT to laugh while the teacher did something incredibly dead-on to what you had revealed about him that VERY day IN the "Bear Claws", unaware. I mean, it was JUST like something OUT of the "Bear Claws", as if that teacher was actually READING your script! So dang funny, it was! And, I won't forget YOU being the peacemaker, either, for the time to keep someone from going crazy and beating up the other guy for making fun of me. Wasn't THAT a trip?! And, no, I WASN'T being a "Carrie" and MIND-controling that guy, either, even though it SEEMED like it. El Guyo in "The Fantasticks", directed by that tyranical, Broadway Show Tune loving director, "Try To Remember a Time In September", yeah, well, I remmeber that time in Spring of 1979. Drama stuff, TALENT show. Disco fog fizzle. "Once, Twice, Three Times a Lady, And Once, A PINECone!", "Never stopped ONCE to make water", Mr. Belanger, of course Kermit will ALways make me remember you, trying to play chess with you on the school bus to that magical place in Ashland where we saw "poor fellow"..."Tartuff" in 1978. The Hobbit. Hey, fun memories, my friend. The best. Happy times, they were, with so much potential for us ALL then! And, again, you're IN those memories that are just the TIP of a WARM iceburg!
Prayers for you and Karla.
Your friend,
YOU probably know who
Dear Scott,
I only know you from afar, but through reading your blog and our mutual friend, Bruce, in Sacramento, I've come to feel like I almost know you. Some passages came to me as I read your last entry.
"FOR we know that if our earthly house, this tent, is destroyed, we groan, being burdened, not because we want to be unclothed, but further clothed, that mortality may be swallowed up by life. Now He who has prepared us for this very thing is God, who also has given us the Spirit as a guarantee. So we are always confident, knowing that while we are at home in the body we are absent from the Lord. For we walk by faith, not by sight. We are confident, yes, well pleased rather to be absent from the body and to be present with the Lord. Therefore we make it our aim, whether present or absent, to be well pleasing to Him." - 2 Cor. 5:1-9 NKJV
SO dear Scott, the toughest part of being absent may be leaving behind those we love, and the concern we have for them. (This is true whether we live to be 20, 40 or 80 years or more.) Again, we must trust God in Christ Jesus, that He is able to keep all things that we commit to Him, which includes our loved ones. Whatever we say that is not of faith will only depress us, so Scott, my prayers for you are for His perfect will be done in you, as it is in heaven.
Your brother in Christ,
Ernest Abe
Hi Scott -
I'm with Donna and Lois - no advice, but lots and lots of support, love, and prayers for you and Karla.
In Him - Janey
Scott, thanks for continuing to tell us the truth, however heartbreaking it might be.
Scott and Karla: Please know that I continue to pray for you both daily.
Thank you Scott, for continuing to share your journey and your heart with us.
Mary Ann Sorenson
Tucson, Arizona
Scott & Karla,
Missing you guys!! You have my prayers.
Laura Rector
my prayer tonight is that you and Karla are feeling the big, full love from God and all of us you have touched. That you would really feel it physically, somehow. You continue to teach us---honesty, courage, faith. Thank you for all of it. Peace, comfort, love,
Barb L.
I too echo Donna's images. Kermit and the Simpsons always bring you to mind. I love you and your wonderful wife/best friend Karla dearly and you are both in my thots and prayers continually. Your thots on depression certainly puts my sadness's in perspective.
the sometimes sad lady of shoreline.
My heart gets heavier with every day that passes sans an update.
So much so that I now hesitate to even respond.
What part of "NO, God, NOT YET" does He not understand?
It makes me angry with you, all of your advice about how God keeps all of our tears in a bottle... I don't WANT Him to know how many tears I have, I don't WANT you to have to suffer, I don't WANT to consider what this life looks like without you in it.
So I won't.
I love you Scott.
FROM MOM . . After another eight day stay in the hospital, Scott managed just under two days at home before his blood pressure plummeted. So, once again he is in emergency at Huntington Hospital waiting for an ICU bed to open. And, since their medical plan does not include Huntington, within a day, or as soon thereafter as space is available, he will be transferred. No way to know right now which hospital that will be. Scott has some internal bleeding and no certainty yet about what that cause is. His pain level has increased so that he is on continual pain medication. Glen, would you provide communication again, so that Karla is not deluged with calls? Scott's dad has been in Pasadena this past week and will return to Tennessee tomorrow. Lynne, his sister, arrived from Alabama tonight. I am at "wait and see" for a day or two. Then I will fly back down. Thank you all for your loving energy and your continuing prayers. Janet
FROM MOM, SEPT 13, 2007,
Got as call to come on down ASAP.
Scott elected to receive morphine for the pain, even though it would cause his blood pressure to drop further. I will be there at 11:00 this morning. Todd is flying down this afternoon.
Karla called to let me knoiw that Scott died a few minutes ago.
Thank you again for the way you loved him and supported him. We will all miss him so very much.
To All of Scott and Karla's Friends and Partners in Prayer:
I received the call from Karla this morning about Scott's passing. One of our pastors is with Karla right now at the hospital, along with a few other relatives.
We will work with Karla to discuss plans and details for a Memorial Service. I'll post them here when they are finalized; you can also e-mail me at AltaBapGlenn@aol.com if you want that information via e-mail.
I miss my friend already, but am also slightly jealous of all the wonderful conversations he must be having right now with our Lord!
Blessings and Love,
Glenn & Shanti Molina
Altadena Baptist Church
UPDATE (Thursday, 9/13, 11:00 AM):
Pastor Connie had a chance to spend some time with Karla this morning. A memorial service for Scott has been scheduled for this weekend:
Sunday, September 16
4:00 PM
Altadena Baptist Church
791 East Calaveras Street, Altadena CA 91001
(626) 797-8970
There will be no viewing, as the family has opted for cremation. Additionally, there are plans to have a memorial service in the Seattle area for the following weekend. Details are still being worked out; I'll get that sent out as I find out more (the pastors and I will be meeting with Karla on Friday to finalize more plans).
Feel free to e-mail me if you have any other questions.
A world without Scott Becker. I'm not ready to fully contemplate that.
Many tears are being shed today as we mourn the loss of such a dear friend. My own heart is grieving but there is some comfort in knowing that Scott is no longer bound by a painful body and uncertainty. Karla, I love you and look forward to giving you a hug in person soon. I've got my walking shoes and listening ears ready for you when you're ready. You remain in my heart and in my prayers. We're here to help in whatever way you need for the Seattle celebration of Scott's life.
Always with much love, d2
Our dear, dear Karla and Janet:
What comfort can I give in the face of such an enormous loss? Scott's departure leaves many, many of us stunned and grieving, but not in the same way as you. We are holding you as close as we can in our prayers, and trust you will discover new facets of God's comfort and love for you. I'm so sorry.
Loving you,
My dearest Karla,
I don't know what to say or do, other than to let you know that I am here - in any way that you need me. Let me know how I can be of help.
You are welcome at the Villas, I can pick you up at the airport - whatever.
I love you.
Can someone please advise Karla that the venue for the service in Seattle needs to be able to accommodate a very large number of people?
MY phone is ringing off the hook from people looking for details, and I know that there are droves of people I don't even know...
Amazing, that man.
God's so lucky to be sitting around with him, right now, listening to his stories...
The world, and I (and many others) will never be the same.
Karla, I'm sure you have hundreds of people bending over backwards wanting to help, but please add me to the list, as well. If you need help with arrangements up here, please let us know, and thanks for sharing your husband with the rest of the world, we are all better people for having known him.
Jenn (Bean) Schwope
Dearest Scott,
Our love for you will come each night on angel's wings, God Speed, sweet dreams.
We are so blessed to have had you in our lives. Karla, we are here for you, always. love, The Craddock-Hassman Family,Jerry, Nancy, Karly, Kelly and Jerry Jr.
Dear Karla,
It's about 6:14pm and I'm sitting in the library reading about Scott's passing into glory. Students are looking at me but I don't care that I'm freely crying and remembering how Scott contributed to my life; he always had a kind word, and bodacious smile. The love of your life rests in peace. You and your family are in my prayers. Love, Narcissis
I remember how I was forced by my parents in Jr. High to take guitar lessons from the weird man in the church behind my house. I had no idea at the time how much he would soon mean to me as he became my pastor, teacher, and friend. Nor did I know that he was guiding my first steps of a music ministry that still continues today. As I continued to recall this first meeting I was struck by the words of the very first song he taught me…an old song I have not thought of in years, but so full of hope. It will always be my first and last memory of this great man, Scott Becker.
Soon and very soon, we are going to see the King.
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, we are going to see the King.
No more crying there, we are going to see the King.
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, we are going to see the King.
No more dying there, we are going to see the King.
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, we are going to see the King.
- Love and Prayers from Jared and the whole Burns family
It is with both a heavy heart and yet the upmost confidence that I write this now, having been a silent observer of this blog for awhile. The heavy heart is because we are saddened and in a state of shock, as well. It is with confidence that I write because I know that Scott is at peace and most likely having the most wonderful conversations up in heaven right now.
I pray that you, Karla, and Scott's wonderful family whom we had the pleasure of meeting two short weeks ago will be kept in God's firm grasp, and that He will lift you up with strength in these most difficult times.
What a blessing to have known such an amazing man, and to see the imprint he has made in all our lives.
With much love,
Dear Karla,
We miss Scott...and we love you. That pretty much sums it up. What an amazing man, and what a privilege to have known him. His honesty, authenticity, caring and humor have left their mark on each of us in the Monroe family.
Aufwiedersehen, Scott.
I consider myself a writer, yet, I have NOTHING to write here for someone so dear. IF I try, whatever I say will only come off sounding like faint praise... he deserves better. So, to keep from contaminating this wonderful blog of reflection his genius created, I now bid fairwell to all you wonderful loved ones of George Scott Becker. Prayers for his lovely wife and family will continue, and, with misty eyes of sadness...I say...good-bye.
His friend, still,
Bruce Ramsey
This comment has been removed by the author.
Karla, family and friends
I never had the privilege of meeting Scott. I followed his blog since late last year because a friend of his (Daniel) invited him to speak at the church I pastor in Athens, Ohio. Even though I never met him, I join with all of you in grieving his death. My prayers and blessing to you all.
I had often wanted to tell him that his writing has encouraged me in ways he will never know this side of heaven. I guess now, he will know.
Our hearts are heavy and sorrowful just knowing that Scott is no longer here, but yet joyful knowing he is free of pain and with our Heavenly Father.
My memory or Scott is playing the piano and singing with his heart for long periods of time in the family room of our home. Precious memories.
Karla, our thoughts and prayers continue to be with you and Scott's entire family.
Mary Ann Sorenson
Tucson, AZ.
Julie, Caitlin, Lauren and I have been away 2 months, and we are feeling so terribly homesick. I suppose that compounds our feelings of loss and grief over Scott's passing. Scott's presence, his humor, his diligent unstoppable mind and his integrity - these have inspired me quite deeply since I met him. He had an encouraging impact on me every time I saw him, especially each time we met up at the farmer's market. Karla, please know that we have been praying for you and Scott, and we will continue to hold you in our prayers.
As I write this, I am contemplating, mentally preparing for a message that I will be giving to 500 middle/high school students, faculty and house parents here at Woodstock. It has been such a terribly hard 6 weeks for many here, dealing with so many tough issues that are facing the school - bullying that has run rampant, losses, low staffing for residences and the expected 6-week "blues". We need rest here, and I will be talking about rest. I am struck by the rest Scott is experiencing, in wonder at the promise of rest we have in Jesus. During his suffering, there were moments of profound rest that he seemed to understand, even if we who looked on and supported found tis difficult. There were times that all he seemed able to do was look forward to rest, as though he was rowing against interminable waves and wind.
Now, the waves of grief and loss will wash over us, and for you, Karla, these will certainly feel unsurvivable. The waves will die down, and they will rise up again, and the weariness will seem unending. In those times, Karla, my prayer is that Jesus will be seen walking toward you. You may not see him in those times. I pray then that we who love you will see him. And when you do see him, may he bring you peace in the knowledge that he calms storms and is the lover and sustainer even now of both you, and your other dearest love, Scott.
May our Lord give you rest, both now and in the days and months to come. He is good to his word, and he loves you and always will.
With tears and love flowing for you and your family, and our family at ABC.
From India,
On the day when we received the call I didnt want to believe Scott had passed, I will always remember Scotts spirit and love for others. I will always cherish the time I spent with Scott. I will honor his strength and courage always. He is in Gods hands now and at peace. My prayers for Karla and all his family and friends. I love you Scott, you will be missed. Love,Cousin Janet
Prayers of love and comfort to Scott's family ---
from another person forever changed by Scott's courage, honesty and faith.
Barb L.
Anything more on Seattle's memorial service? I have felt so far away during this whole process. Karla, I want to tell you everything will be ok, but it feels/sounds hollow and it isn't true. It's not ok, at least not until heaven. I hope to see you soon.
Ted for the Halsteads
I'm sorry.
Thank you Father, for the body of Christ at Bethany Community Church. Thank you for grafting my family into so many special people we call Mother, Father, Sister & Brother. Time and distance has not wavered my deep love for them, nor eases my pain at this hour. I am so thankful and honored to be a part of Scott's life & family in Christ, and will cherish the many memories I have of him at Bethany.
Lord, please be with each one, and bless those who mourn.
In Christ, with love I pray.
"Earth has no sorrows which Heaven cannot heal." I come by today to bring encouragement to sister Karla and family.
I am devastated at the news of Scott's passing. A former Fuller student now holding working in the field of education and entertainment, I promise to be the evangelical presence as I pastor, teach and use art form.
I know in this sorrowful moment, God is yet God. My love, thoughts and prayers, my dear sister, are forever with you as you translate grief to healing.
Trust God. He's Help on the way!
In Christ,
Your servant in Ministry,
Gina Dobson
M.Div, M.Ed
I only just learned of Scott's passing today. I had the priviledge of knowing Scott and attending Western Baptist College with him (now Corban College). He was a good man, a good listener, a good friend. We lost contact over the years, a fact I deeply regret. For those of you who didn't know him back then, all the comments about his character, love and integrity that I have seen here were clearly evident when I knew him then.
Scott played a song that he wrote at my wedding. It was heartfelt and beautiful and just like him to give, not just musically, but deeply and personally of himself. He was an amazing man and an incredible friend.
Karla, I don't know if you remember me, but you are in the hearts and prayers of me and my wife. If there is anything I can do, please call.
With love and prayers,
Bob McVaugh
Dearest Friends and Family of Scott:
It has been wonderful to read the posts, being reminded again of all the people Scott loved and was loved by.
The service for Scott will be at Bethany Community Church on Saturday, September 29th, at 1pm. We will be crammed in all the nooks and crannies, which will be a wonderful testament to the impact that Scott had in his way-too-short life.
We look forward to seeing you there.
Blessings and Peace,
Nancy Eckardt
Dear Karla,
I never had the privilege of meeting you, but Scott talked much about his beautiful wife the last time we had lunch together in Seattle - 1997. My husband and I lived in West Seattle for two years. I, too, attended Western Baptist College with Scott --- we were RAs together. What a blast we had laughing and chatting and discussing in great depths our God and Savior. I lost touch with Scott when we moved back to California in 1998. And, I, too, am reminded as I read the blog entries that through the years, Scott has remained a gentle, sincere, genuine, godly, true-to-his heart & faith man of God. Praying comfort & peaceful rest as you live each day - our deepest sympathy to you, Karla, and your family.
Love, Debbie ~Shippo~ Castro
for Freddie & Samuel
I've been away from this blog for some time now, though I've often thought of both Scott and Karla and said a little prayer. I'm still reeling, and I'm not really sure why I'm writing. Maybe it's just that urge to reach out and be a part of Scott's circle since so much of him will stay behind in the people he has touched. I won't be able to make the funeral in Seattle, but I will be there in spirit.
Karla, I'm especially thinking of you and of that last time together when Scott made omelettes at your house in Pasadena and then we all went to the Getty and then out for an ice cream sundae. So many memories. And I remember too how you both helped me through when my boyfriend was dying of cancer and I would call at random times of day even though I had been out of touch for so long previously. You both have such wisdom and such grace. I wish you grace and peace now. I will be thinking of you.
with love, Jen Hess Mouat
Dear Karla,
I don't know if you remember my wife and I...we are the ones that ran into you and Scott about a year ago at the Farmer's market in South Pasadena and we ended up watching the same free movie that night at the theatre...
Tanory and I just learned about Scott's illness and passing. We are grieved to the core. I am so sorry for you loss...he was such a wonderful man. May God's sustaining presence carry you through this.
Sari Ateek
FROM MOM: Scott, what a blessing you have been to all of us who know you, especially to those of us who are fortunate to be in the same family. There is such great sadness, but there is also joy as we reminisce with family and friends. It has been my privilege to attend the celebration of your life in Pasadena and again in Seattle. What an incredibly full life! I am continually amazed to see and hear how broad your impact has been. Both churches were filled to capacity with people who were touched profoundly as you walked among us. Both services were in fact celebrations, expressed in music, memories, laughter and tears. Kermit, the Simpsons and your blog were in some way part of each service. Your joy and zest for life were present along with your genuine love and concern for all people. The acknowledgment of your spiritual impact and your scholarship capabilities and contributions were good to hear. We learned from Dr. Stassen that you had accomplished your goal to have the incompleted part of your dissertation organized enough so that he could perfect it for publication on your behalf, and that the Theology Department at Baylor University wanted to publish it because they saw it as being such an important contribution to today's Christian community. So, "On Beyond Zebra" your seeds continue to be sown and to reap their harvest.
To those of you who contributed in making the celebrations of Scott's life such joyful, satisfying occasions, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You. I know that it took lots of time, energy and LOVE. Especially the LOVE.
And to all of you who attended the services or have posted on this blog, it has been so grand meeting you in person or by way of your comments. Thank you for whatever your personal contribution has been to the energy that became the expression of Scott's life.
Thank you all for loving my boy.
Blessings, Janet Ballah
Dear Karla,
I'm not sure if you read this but I just now this minute found out this news. My heart just breaks for you as you told me yours did when you found out about my mom. I will never forget the empathy you showed me as we met up in France. We had fun exploring the restaurants, churches and i'll never forget the awesome ski trips and scott's famous omelettes with his secret ingredient of pepper jelly. both of you truly were lights in my life during grad school and during my own sudden time of grief. i don't know what you're going through but i have felt the deep pain of grief so my prayers are for god's arms to hold you tight. feel free to email if you ever get a chance
--carrie o'farrell
How sad I am when I come here and don't see any comments anymore. It means it's really real and it is setting in for everyone. That stinks.
I think of you often and miss you, my friend.
Dear "Anonymous from October 19"...
I check Scott's blog regularly also, always hoping to see comments. Thanks for writing something. I know my family crys a little every day still. He was a great friend, brother and confidante. I will miss him always.
Todd Becker, Loving Brother.
I also check. There are probably lots of us out there. It's nice to read other people's thoughts. Maybe we all could keep talking.
Missing you, buddy.
Scott is the reason I am christian. He is the reason I have the wife that I have and 3 beautiful boys. He was/is one of my great christian spiritual leaders. One day I will meet up with him again.
One of your youth group kids
From Mom: How Neat that so many of us continue to check in on a regular basis. Does anyone know how long a blog will remain active in the "Blog Universe" without a posting to the primary page? In the event that it might just be gone one day, does anyone want to exchange email addresses to stay in touch? Any takers on that? Blessings, Janet
I have been reading your blog. As a Catholic clergyman, there is much for me to learn and to pray about in what you write. Many thankX!
Janet, I would like to send you a copy of the slide show from Scott's Seattle service. I was so disappointed that it did not play with the music as I had intended. I gave a copy to Karla. If you'd like one, please email me with your address. tgneill55@msn.com
Thanks, and please accept my deepest sympathy. You had an amazing and wonderful son in Scott.
Megan Neill
Dear Texa Padre, I double clicked on your title thinking that it would take me into your blog, but all I got was a blog provider home page. Can you give me a better address for reaching you? Thanks, Janet, aka Mom
I checked back tonight and was so happy to see that people responded to my anonymous post on 10/19. Sometimes it helps to know that I am not the only one out there who is still sad, although it feels that way since many of us who cared for him are so dispersed.
Janet, I would absolutely love to keep in touch. My e-mail address is jennschwope@hotmail.com. I was in Scott's youth group at Carnation Bible Church and always referred to him as my "Christian dad." Kelly and I went down to visit him last spring and I am so happy that we did, it meant the world to both of us. I didn't realize that you would be at the service in Seattle, or I would have been sure to introduce myself, and to thank you for bringing up such a wonderful son.
Jennifer Schwope
I still/again miss Scott. Given how trivial my acquaintance with him was, compared to the bond that Karla and Janet and many others here shared with him, it feels almost self-indulgent to admit this. But I think about him often, I remember his wisdom and kindness and good cheer -- I ask myself "What would Scott say about this scenario or do in this situation?"
Scott was always amazingly supportive of my academic work, and I'm reminded of him in the midst of this work. One of the church fathers, Origen, writes how the saints who have passed on remain part of the body of Christ, and as such continue to pray all the more fervently with and for those of us who are still alive. I rather believe this to be the case, and I'm comforted by it. You are all in my thoughts and prayers -- and I suspect all of us are in Scott's.
Dear Anonymous, Thank you so much for your comments about Scott. I do believe that Scott touched many lives in a very profound way. And I am so thankful for him, that he left such a legacy. Thanks again. Blessing, Mom (aka Janet)
Hello Janet,
I hate that I missed you at the Seattle service; I'm not sure how I even made it into that building that rainy afternoon, to tell you the truth.
Showing up to still see people mourning here makes this real, I guess, and though I have the link... I suspect I find my peace in seeing images of him smiling, watching videos of him singing... anything to get past this, the unsurmountable grief.
Blogger will not evict an inactive post for YEARS, in most cases. In my research, there is no deadline, and I would imagine that our continue commentary is keeping it in a constantly updating status. However, I would love be thrilled to keep in touch.
Todd, I would love to hear from you too. Our day at the Getty with Scott, Karla and Jenn this past spring is so very cherished. Thank you for sharing it with us.
Now if only I could stop dialing Scott's cell phone number...
Actually it was me (Eric) not Todd at the Getty. I'm so glad that you and Jenn were able to make that trip. I know it meant a lot to Scott that you guys showed up. What I appreciated most was how that so many of Scott's friends made such an effort to spend time with him.
You (anyone reading this) can contact me at eric@internal.org anytime. I would be happy to hear from anyone who knew Scott at various times in his life.
I lived up the street from Scott in Janesville. We were in the same grade. Am very sorry to hear about his passing. I remember him as having a very gentle soul.
Dear Anonymous, Thank you for making an appearance from out of Scott's past.
Janet (Mom)
Dear Janet, aka Mom,
Thinking of you especially today.
We are so grateful for Scott's life, so thank you for your part in that.
I understand, with a mother's heart, how you find connection with your boy through these comments. May they bless you always, as he blessed us.
I'd like to think that I was one of the orginal pacific n.w. girls that Scott got to know - I'm laughing as I'm saying that ... Scott and I were friends in college and I was grateful for the chance to catch up with him through email this summer. My computer crashed in August so I wasn't able to add my thoughts, I am so grateful that you have kept the comments going in the blog. Prior to my freshman year in college Scott came to visit me and through out my time at Western I am sincerely grateful for getting to know Scott. One of the things that impressed me the most was his love for his family.
A friend of mine has lost 3 of her 4 children (ages 9, 14 and 16) and I asked her once how she was able to get up in the morning. Her reply was that if they had to choose.. either to never have had them in their life at all, or to have had them on this planet for the time that God gave them.. hands down she was grateful for every minute that they were here.
I am grateful for the minutes that I had with your son.
God bless!
Shari Sorenson Lowell
Shari, thank you so much for your posting, and for your comments about Scott. What shattering news for a mother (or father) to lose 3 children. The loss of one is devastating enough. But I so totally agree with your friend's commenets. Every day in some way I am reminded of and so thankful for how Scott contributed to the lives of his family, his friends and his planet. It is so important to remember him with joy, laughter or even frustration, understanding that "after the fact" most frustrating episodes find their way into humor. And of course, I so enjoy his smile that continued to be with him all through the incredibly challenging final illness.
Blessings, Janet
From Mom: This is information that Karla passed on to me. I think it needs to be here for anyone who just happens onto this page: "Dr. Glen Stassen did a presentation in honor of Scott at a Christian Ethics meeting in Atlanta last weekend. (late December) Also, there was a really meaningful chapel around Thanksgiving time at Fuller. They picked 6 or 7 people to stand up and tell about someone who has touched their life, and the dean of students talked about Scott. She did not know Scott, but came to his memorial. The Theology Department is having a retreat in the Spring, and they will be honoring Scott at it. Glen is actively working on getting Scott's dissertation into a book for Baylor University Press. Wow!"
Wow indeed. Love and Joy, Janet
Karla, we never met, but I was thinking of you and praying for you on Valentine's Day. I hope you're surrounded by the love of family and friends.
Dear Annonymous, Thank you for checking in. Yes, Karla is surrounded with loving friends and family. About 25 of us (including Karla) will be getting together in Yosemite during the first week of May to celebrate Scott and each other. I am so glad to know that somewhere out in the universe there are still people looking at Scott's blog. Thanks again, Janet (Mom)
We've been thinking of Karla a lot, too. And I was thrilled to hear the good news about Dr. Stassen's work on Scott's thesis. It is just one of the many ways Scott continues to make the world better, even after his death.
With love,
Denise and Dwayne
Thinking of Scott and Karla today. Sang Rainbow Connection to a kid in my best Kermit voice this weekend. Miss you, Scott. :)
Thank you for the updates, Janet! I think I speak for us all when I say we so appreciate the nurturer you were to Scott, and are now to his memory. It helps us all cope.
Hello Janet & Kayla -
I just received the magazine from Corban College and read about Scott. Obviously, I went to college went him and he is part of my most embarassing moment ever...
At Western one time they did computer dating, where Scott and I were matched, we were already friends so it was no pressure kind of thing. After our "date" we went to church where I proceeded to spill communion on us and the people behind us (the tray was much lighter than I expected), needless to say we never went on a "date" again but he was my rock, and a gentle voice of wisdom during my time at Western.
I will continue to tell my most embarassing story ever, as I work at a church it does come up, "did you hear when Tara spilled the communion" but it will be with sadness on my heart.
I have bookmarked Scott's blog and am enjoying reading his posting and getting to know him again.
Praying for your family,
Tara Morgan (Ridens)
I was cleaning out my bookmarks and realized I still had a link to this blog. Since we worked to preserve all of Scott's entries shortly after his passing, it occured to me that I could probably delete the link, but I decided to check anyway. What a blessing to see that people are still posting comments. Scott's influence continues to be felt.
I still miss Scott terribly. I still find myself wanting to call him on the phone (I still have his cell number committed to memory) when certain issues come up--I am so used to seeking him out to benefit from his counsel and friendship. Seeing all of these comments reminded me about how truly amazing it is that God can use a single person to accomplish so much--even after one's Homecoming into glory.
And thanks, Janet, for continuing to respond to those who come and post comments. All of us at ABC are grateful for Scott's family, who demonstrated such love and Grace last fall. We continue to love, support, laugh, and cry with Karla down here in Altadena/Pasadena. Blessings and love to all.
During the first five days of May, about twenty members of Scott's family gathered at a large (very large) cabin in the southern portion of Yosemite. We met up with some of Scott and Karla's closest friends (Glen and Nancy)and their children at Bridal Veil Falls. From there, those of us with able legs proceeded to the top of Nevada Falls. Throughout our hike and for the remainder of our time at the park, several members of the family scattered Scott's ashes where we saw fit. The majority of my brother's remains were left at the top of Nevada Falls, where Scott and Karla hiked to three short years ago.
After many tears and laughter, tons of memories and anectotes, good food and maybe a little too much wine, I think we all felt healed slightly.
Every day I consider myself lucky to have had a sibling like Scott. He was a pain in the butt during our earlier times, but I learned to appreciate him so much as the years went by. His influence on me continues even after his death. I find myself appreciating the people and the world around me more than I thought possible before. NOTHING is taken for granted.
I will miss Scott for the remainder of my time on this planet. There will be so much that I will wish that I could share with him.
I love you Scott.
Thank you.
Your brother, Todd
From Janet,
Tara, thank you so much for showing up. It is always a pleasure to hear from Scott's past.
And Glenn, It is so nice to know that you are still in touch. You were such a blessing before, during and after Scott's memorial.
I will always remain touched in a very special way by the inclusion of the guitar and Kermit at the church.
Todd, your description of our journey, visit and purpose was so beautifully stated. I have been composing my own entry about that, but nothing more is needed, except to give you one more offer of THANKS for organizing it and for feeding us all so well. I agee that it was highly emotional, with at least as much laughter as there were tears, and that at the end of the day, there was additional healing in place for all of us.
Love, Mom
I just googled the blog and it is no longer the first thing that pops up when you search for aufhebung...I looked frantically for a minute, worried it was gone. (sigh of relief)
I have come here quite a few times in the last five weeks and am not sure why I didn't post sooner. I've been thinking of Scott a lot because I just gave birth to my second child, a son. Not sure why but a significant life event like that has sort of automatically made me think of Scott. Maybe because he was there for my wedding and my college and high school graduations, and soon after the birth of my daughter, so it feels like there is a big hole in the middle of this major life event. I am sad that my son will never get the chance to meet him. Anyways, in the midst of the joy, I'm reminded how much I miss sharing joy with Scott and am thinking of him.
I hope all of you out there, his friends and family, are doing well.
Jenn Schwope
I am a memeber of Scott's youth group from Wenatchee. All the pictures Scott had taken of the youth he had put on slides. We just had them digitized so his legacy in the group can live on. If anyone is interested in seeing them email me @ lumasa@live.com and I will send you the link to the online photo album.
Ryan Shoop and the Rubberband came to Woodinville for the Summer Concert series last Thursday. As a long lead into "Banjo Boy", one of the band members did a spot-on rendition of Kermit's "Rainbow Connection."
Good times.
Dear Jean, Jim and Denise, Thanks for your comments.
Jean, congratulations on the birth of your precious little boy. Thank you for thinking of Scott at such a special time.
Jim, Thanks for putting together the collection of pictures. I look forward to getting your email with the web site. It is such a pleasure to me to hear of so many people holding on to Scott's memory.
Denise, Scott made Kermit come to life for us, and that little frog has just become an honorary member of our family. Recently I even found a Kermit tote-bag, so now every day his funny face brings funny memories of Scott.
Thanks to all of you for showing up on this blog.
Blessing, Janet
I can't believe it's been nearly a year. Just wanted Karla and Janet to know that we think of you and pray for you when we miss Scott. Ben and I loved him very much.
Rest in peace Scott.
Thinking of Scott today, one year later... grateful that God still uses him to make a difference in my life, through the example of how he lived and the wisdom of his teachings and his friendships to all of us.
But I still miss you, brother.
We camped over Labor Day weekend and I made omelettes for the group, but I kept thinking that it needed pepper jelly. To Scott, who made the best omelettes in the world and who's not-so-secret ingredient was that jelly.
I miss how Scott-and-Karla rolled off the tongue like one word.
Wow, how neat to see that some new entries had arrived! Thank you all so much. Who is to know whether the year passed quickly or slowly; but pass it did. And for all the sadness of losing and missing Scott, I would not give up the experience of loving him for anything. Being his mom added so many years of joy to my life, and it will continue to add joy to my memories of him. Through every challenge, we always laughed more than we cried, even in those final days together, for which I will remain eternally thankful, both for the laughter and the time we shared.
Karla has some wonderful friends who kept her busy all day Saturday at Disneyland. She reports that there was more laughter than tears.
Thanks again for showing up.
With much love, Janet
Lynne was visiting from Alabama, so we had another family get-together. This time in San Francisco. Karla and Eric, her brother-in-law, drove up for a day of biking in the city with Todd, Diane and Lynne. The weather was great. They biked in the city and across Golden Gate Bridge. Another brother, Steve and his wife Diana, joined them for dinner the evening before. A good time was had by all. Karla is greatly loved and appreciated by all of Scott's family.
Blessings, Janet (Mom)
Hey Scott, Obama was elected last Tuesday. I thought of you instantly. I know you would have been ecstatic. Miss you.
Dear Anonymous,
Thank you for thinking of Scott and for signing on. Scott is certainly cheering us on!
I am so proud of America right now.
Thanks again for showing up.
Karla and Janet--
We thought you'd like to know that we just named our third son (born 1/13/09) Brendan Scott McFarland.
Lots of love,
Laurie and Ben McFarland
and big brothers Sam and Aidan
Dear Laura and Ben,
Thank you so much for letting us know. That is a very special way to memorialize someone.
Congratulations on the arrival of your third precious boy.
Karla and I are both doing OK. Work is fine. We are both well, and so are the family we love.
Scott's siblings are well.
Lynne still lives in Birmingham, AL and works as an RN. Her children are both in college in Auburn Univ. Young Scott will gradutate this year. Kelly is working on her MA in some kind of advanced math that Scott understood, but none of the rest of us do.
Todd and Diane live in San Jose, where Todd still runs his own business. His boy, Nick is attending San Jose State College. Diane's children are mostly grown, with two of them still in college, and approaching graduation.
Eric is still in southern California not too far from Karla, and doing fine as far as I know.
Thanks for coming onto the blog with your news.
Hello to everyone who is reading Scott's blog. Does anyone have a video, voice recording or written document of Scott's earlier writings, specifically his parodies of popular songs? I wish I could find the copies I finally got from him decades ago, but can't. Also, I wish I'd recorded his funny telephone messages. Sometimes I called just to hear those answering machine comedy routines he cooked up. If you have anything like that, I'm at littledoggie185@hotmail.com
I miss you every day Scott.
Your loving sister, Lynne
Hello Lynne (and everyone else still meeting here)...
I have a collection of videos from Scott's time in Carnation, WA, an excerpt from a book he was trying to write years ago, and I think I have a tape recording of some songs he did. I'm trying to figure out how to put these into a more versatile media format, and when I do, I'll hotmail them to you right away.
Scott, you still find me, all this time later, and I'm so grateful that you are here with us in so many ways.
I miss you more than I ever thought possible.
(True Scott I found tucked away in my blog):
Looking up at the top of his bookshelf, we noticed (of course) two Kermit the Frog puppets, seated happily next to a stuffed Desmond Tutu.
Jenn pointed up to it, "Is that Desmond Tutu?"
"It is," Scott smiled up to it, almost proud.
"I saw him speak once."
"Oh, no Jenn..." Scott shakes his head seriously. "He's stuffed, he doesn't talk."
From Mom/Janet
Thank you so much for posting to Scott's Blog, and for remembering him as fondly as ever. Scott's enjoying his puppets was a great indication to me that whatever he was going through, he always remembered to take time to play.
That will be great if you can provide Lynne what she wants. Do you by any chance have Scott doing Kermit's Rainbow Connection?
That would be a rare treasure indeed.
I am going to have some surgery next week. The aortic valve needs to be replaced. This is the same surgery that Mrs. Bush had earlier this month. So I am now in the circle with the rich and famous. Lynne is arriving on April 3 and staying for the balance of the month. I really look forward to our visit.
Thanks again,
Our Mom, Janet, went into surgery yesterday morning at 8:30. There were a number of unforeseen complications and surgery was not completed until 4:30 that afternoon. She is in ICU and will probably be in the hospital for at least two weeks. The hospital is Valley Medical of Santa Clara County located in San Jose, CA. I will continue to post any updates.
I love you Mom.
Your son, Todd
Mom (Janet) is still in SICU. She has been sedated continually since her surgery on April 7. The "numbers" continue to look good. They are slowly attempting to remove her from the respirator, gradually reducing her drug intake. Due to the length of her stay in the hospital, other complications are developing (slight infection, trace of pneumonia), which they are treating. I put 8 x 10 photos of her and her family all over the wall in front of her bed, hoping she will see them when she wakes. We are waiting and hoping.
I miss you and love you, Mom.
Your little boy,
Its been two weeks since Mom (Janet) entered the hospital. She has not spoken as of yet, but she is responding to voice commands. Her pain medication has been reduced to a minimum. The kidneys seem to be the main worry now, and there is a good possibility of dialysis in her future. Still waiting to see that beautiful woman back home.
Love you Mom
please keep us posted, you are all in our prayers
Mom (Janet) is still in SICU. This coming Tuesday will be the one month mark. She is speaking, but her lack of strength continues to keep her in SICU. Her heart and kidneys look to be in fine shape, but she can not as of yet sit up by herself. She has good times and bad. Her appetite comes and goes. Depression comes and goes. Us and the nurses/therapists/doctors are attempting to cheer and motivate her back into shape. If all goes as hoped, she should be returning home by the third week of May.
MOM (JANET) UPDATE: An aortic patch that was sutured into place during Mom's initial operation began to leak slowly several weeks ago. The leak has increased to the point that the doctors have concluded that a second operation will be required. She was flown by helicopter to Stanford Medical Center last Thursday evening. They are attempting to strengthen and nourish her to a point that this major surgery can be accomplished with minimal risk and optimal results. The folks at Stanford do seem to be making progress, slowly and carefully. We expect the procedure to take place by this Thursday. She is loved and cared for by so many, not to mention the amazing staff at Stanford Medical Center, who are treating her like the priceless treasure that she is.
Your loving son,
It has been over a week - how is Janet? We will be praying for her and the family.
Todd, thank you for the updates.
Wendi (Seattle)
MOM (JANET) UPDATE: Mom is still in ICU at Stanford Medical. A team of surgeons are meeting today to determine whether Mom's mitral valve can be repaired in such a way that would be as non-intrusive as possible (under skin or catheter). She is not stable enough to perform the surgery using traditional methods. My mother says she is not in pain and she is lucid enough to understand the severity of the situation. She smiles a lot, speaking in whispers. You can still see the true essence of Mom shining through.
The prognosis is not good, but it is not hopeless yet.
I love you Mom
One hour after my last entry, I received a phone call from one of the doctors at Stanford Medical, telling me that a meeting with all concerned was scheduled for 2:00 at the hospital. During several hours of discussion regarding Mom's condition, a conclusion was made.
Because she is unable to receive adequate nutrition, because her kidneys have been irreparably harmed, because her ability to heal and fight infections has been greatly diminished and her blood pressure can not be maintained without artificial intravenous means, it has been determined to remove her from life support. Any and all alternatives have been explored and this was the choice we feel Mom would have made. It was not made lightly. She has seemed aware for a while that she would not be leaving that hospital. The rest of us hung on to that thin thread of hope that she would someday recuperate and return home.
We have decided to allow enough time for anyone who wishes to visit Mom to do so, before all the tubes and wires that keep her alive will be removed. Friday morning is our guess right now. She will probably have no more than a few minutes, possibly a few hours left on this earth after that moment.
I was stroking my mother's hair yesterday, staring into her beautiful face, when she quietly spoke to me, saying, after repeated tries, "There has to be someone on top". I asked her if she meant "a god?". She nodded her head slowly. I believed she was possibly readying herself for the inevitable, or maybe she was attempting to convince her doubting son. I'm not sure.
This is the single most painful time in my life. I am sobbing with every stroke of the keys. I love her, I will miss her, but as Mom always told us, even after Scott's death, "Life goes on". Our empty, breaking hearts will fill again, always remembering the amazingly generous, empathetic, fun-loving, gorgeous woman that is my Mother.
A memorial service has already been tentatively scheduled for Saturday, June 6. Updates will continue to follow.
To whomever continues to read this blog: THANK YOU. Please pass on the news of my mother to anyone that might be interested.
My Email: aartsawandtool@yahoo.com
Phone: 408-655-5205
Todd, I don't know how you wrote all that. I feel like a stone. I'm glad that you've been keeping people informed. I had a moment when the stone in my throat disolved yesterday - when a harpist at Stanford came into Mom's room. Mom had her eyes closed, and Diane sat beside me. The harpist played beautifully and hummed in a rich alto voice. I sat there feeling my stoney self relax. When the harpist struck the first notes of Rainbow Connection, unasked for by us, Diane and I disolved into sobs. Mom appeared to sleep through it.
PS: Kelly, thank you for responding to my request. I haven't checked the blog for a long time now, but I'm glad you're still out there.
I am reading this Friday afternoon, and from your last post, it seems inevitable that your mother is reunited with Scott...and Jesus. Those are supposed to be words of comfort, of course, but I have a lump in my throat for a woman I met just once, at Scott's memorial in Seattle.
There is a God and He's in the middle of your pain - Please keep us posted .. how blessed you are all to have a mother like you do!
I come by and check this every now and then, and my heart is breaking for your pain. It has been awhile since I've checked and to see the progression of posts that were going on are heart wrenching. I'll be praying for you and your family. Do keep us updated, if you can.
My mother, Janet Ellen Ballah, passed away at 3:15 last Friday, May 22, 2009.
I have been attempting to write something that I felt would convey adequately the emotions that were present on that day. I fail repeatedly.
Mom was my everything. She became our beloved, cherished Matriarch over the years and will live on in the hearts and minds of all she touched.
During the hour that Mom was slowly slipping away from us, my sister, Lynne, asked me if I thought we were doing what Mom would have done for us if the roles were reversed. I reminded her that "We were Mom, she molded us into who are today and I know that we are treating her the same way that she would have treated us."
She died with a half dozen family members gathered around her bed speaking with her, holding her, loving her, waiting with her.
There will never be another like her.
I will love you always and forever.
Your boy,
A memorial service will be held for my mother, Janet Ellen Ballah, 7:30 pm this Thursday, May 28 at Unity Community Church in San Jose. The address is 2682 Union Ave, near the Curtner Ave. intersection. Their phone number is 408-377-7555. Thanks again, Todd.
I'm sorry to hear of your loss. It was wonderful to get to know her through this blog as much as I hated the reason why I was getting to know her. But to hear her heart as she expressed and exposed herself to people she didn't know, like me, was such a joy. It is very clear that she was a very special lady. I pray for peace and comfort during this time for all who are close to her and hope that all who know Scott & Janet would be reunited with them in heaven. Again, I'm truly sorry for your loss.
Because, for the first time, I don't have words of my own:
"But if in your fear you would seek only love's peace and love's pleasure, then it is better for you that you cover your nakedness and pass out of love's threshing floor, into the seasonless world where you shall laugh, but not all your laughter, and weep, but not all of your tears.
Your joy is sorrow unmasked. And the selfsame well from which your laughter rises was also filled with your tears. And how else can it be? The deeper that sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain.
Is not the cup that holds your wine the very cup that was burned in the potter's oven? And is not the lute that soothes your spirit the very wood that was hollowed with knives? When you are joyous, look deep into your heart and you shall find that it is only that which has given you sorrow that is giving you joy. When you are sorrowful, look again into your heart and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight."
kahlil gibran
The following obituary will be published in tomorrow's San Jose Mercury News accompanied by two photos of my mother:
Janet Ellen Ballah, passed away May 22, 2009, with much of her family gathered around, holding her and loving her. Born Janet Springer, on March 27, 1934 in Patchogue, New York, the Baptist minister’s daughter grew up in Vidalia, Georgia and was voted best all-around in her senior year. She moved to San
Jose in 1965.
Janet Ballah will be remembered as an amazingly generous, empathetic, fun-loving and adventurous woman with an incredible intellect and talent. She loved the world around her
and her family with equal passion. Janet's days were filled with travel, hang gliding (once), hiking, piano, gardening, the Serendipity Choir, baseball games, spicy food, scrabble, boggle, bookkeeping for two separate businesses, movies, reading, art classes, her children and her grandchildren.
Janet is survived by her husband, Donald and her twin brother, David Springer of Orlando, Florida and her daughter Lynne Bragan of Birmingham, Alabama and her son Todd Becker of San Jose and her daughters-in-law Diane and Karla and twelve grandchildren and many nieces,
nephews and cousins. She was preceded in death by her brother Joseph Springer and her son Scott
The following letter was left by Janet to her loving, adoring family:
“Thank you so much for being in my life. You already know how very much I love all of you, and I know that you love me the same. My life was filled with love and joy, laughter and music, serenity and inner peace. Who can ask for more than that? So, what if there were a few knocks along the way? They were just part of the process, and they came to pass. The love, the joy, the laughter and music, the serenity— those are the things in this life that are real. Those are the things that last, even after we are gone. Grieve in order to heal; and then release your grief, (quickly please) and allow thoughts of me to bring you strength or laughter or whatever it is that you need at that moment. For therein will be my real legacy to you.”
As her family and her hundreds of friends already know, there will never be another like her.
Donations can be made in memory of Janet Ballah to the American Heart Association.
Thank you to everyone for your thoughts, prayers and good wishes.
Todd Becker
"You taught us to see the humor in any situation, and the good in any person. You taught me never to hold one man's droppings up to another man's nose. You gave us a legacy of understanding, respect, slowness to answer and eagerness to learn. I have learned from you what it is to richly enjoy life"
G. Scott Becker-1991
Written to Mom from my brother, Scott.
Thanks, Todd. I grieve with you and hope for the best for you and all those near. Thanks for sharing with us.
I have had a small stuffed Kermit sitting on every desk I've had since I received him in 1979 but for the past 12 years he's always reminded me of Scott. Since I still have the link to Scott's blog bookmarked, I occasionally check in to see what Janet or others have been saying. I didn't know of her illness and had not heard of your tremendous loss. She was an incredible woman who comforted many as we said farewell to our beloved Scott. It brings a smile to think of them united once again. May you feel God's comforting arms around each of you as you grieve. My dad died just 2 years ago and there are still times I long to hear his voice and feel a great big hug. My prayers are with you all. -donna
The Boy Who Laughed At Santa Claus
In Baltimore there lived a boy.
He wasn't anybody's joy.
Although his name was Jabez Dawes,
His character was full of flaws.
In school he never led his classes,
He hid old ladies' reading glasses,
His mouth was open when he chewed,
And elbows to the table glued.
He stole the milk of hungry kittens,
And walked through doors marked NO ADMITTANCE.
He said he acted thus because
There wasn't any Santa Claus.
Another trick that tickled Jabez
Was crying 'Boo' at little babies.
He brushed his teeth, they said in town,
Sideways instead of up and down.
Yet people pardoned every sin,
And viewed his antics with a grin,
Till they were told by Jabez Dawes,
'There isn't any Santa Claus!'
Deploring how he did behave,
His parents swiftly sought their grave.
They hurried through the portals pearly,
And Jabez left the funeral early.
Like whooping cough, from child to child,
He sped to spread the rumor wild:
'Sure as my name is Jabez Dawes
There isn't any Santa Claus!'
Slunk like a weasel of a marten
Through nursery and kindergarten,
Whispering low to every tot,
'There isn't any, no there's not!'
The children wept all Christmas eve
And Jabez chortled up his sleeve.
No infant dared hang up his stocking
For fear of Jabez' ribald mocking.
He sprawled on his untidy bed,
Fresh malice dancing in his head,
When presently with scalp-a-tingling,
Jabez heard a distant jingling;
He heard the crunch of sleigh and hoof
Crisply alighting on the roof.
What good to rise and bar the door?
A shower of soot was on the floor.
What was beheld by Jabez Dawes?
The fireplace full of Santa Claus!
Then Jabez fell upon his knees
With cries of 'Don't,' and 'Pretty Please.'
He howled, 'I don't know where you read it,
But anyhow, I never said it!'
'Jabez' replied the angry saint,
'It isn't I, it's you that ain't.
Although there is a Santa Claus,
There isn't any Jabez Dawes!'
Said Jabez then with impudent vim,
'Oh, yes there is, and I am him!
Your magic don't scare me, it doesn't'
And suddenly he found he wasn't!
From grimy feet to grimy locks,
Jabez became a Jack-in-the-box,
An ugly toy with springs unsprung,
Forever sticking out his tongue.
The neighbors heard his mournful squeal;
They searched for him, but not with zeal.
No trace was found of Jabez Dawes,
Which led to thunderous applause,
And people drank a loving cup
And went and hung their stockings up.
All you who sneer at Santa Claus,
Beware the fate of Jabez Dawes,
The saucy boy who mocked the saint.
Donner and Blitzen licked off his paint.
This was one of Mom's favorites, by Ogden Nash.
Memories of Mom pop up on a daily basis that make me smile. I'm glad I've managed to get to this point finally. I think it took me much longer after Scott's passing.
I miss them both so much, but I know the world is better because of them. As I mentioned at Mom's memorial service, I will tell my grandchildren one day about their amazing great-grandma, they will tell their children and so on, and Janet will become one of those women that will never die, whose stories and memories will go on forever. Needless to say, my brother, Scott, is in the same category. My only hope is that one day, I too, can compare to the greatness of these two fine human beings.
Love you always,
your brother
your son
On this day, 48 years ago, George Scott Becker was born. I miss you brother.
Todd Becker
For anyone who cares, I added Scott's blog to a story I did on Netscape's Propeller, as a sort of birthday present to Scott. I can't give you my name because Muslims on Propeller would LOVE to know it, due to my questioning of Islam ON Propeller. I go by the handle of "Mutainia" on Propeller. IF you know who I am, keep it to yourself. I'm being stalked by Muslims DUE to my questioning Islam on not just Netscape's Propeller. Anyway, I consider this as a tribute story for Scott that I created for Propeller. A way to to keep him alive in our thoughts.
MUTTAINIA, several good friends of mine are Muslims. I asked them if they are "stalking you". They guaranteed me that any self-respecting follower of Islam would not waste his/her time with someone like you. The consensus is that you are nuts.
Christian Conspiracy Theorists always embarassed Scott to no end. He used to say, "Unfortunately, these fools are part of my club. EEEshhh!"
Using his name in connection with your idiocy makes my skin crawl. Scott was a loving, accepting, kind, all-inclusive man. During the last year of his life, he began to believe that all God's children had a place in this world. Scott mentioned to me that he was realizing that Homosexuals, Muslims, Jews and even ignorant individuals like yourself should be considered with compassion, acceptance and love.
I viewed your video. You look like someone who would bomb abortion clinics or murder Muslims and Jews in the name of God. This world needs fewer people like you.
Please do not take Scott's name in vain again. I can guarantee you that he would have refused your "birthday present", and would have asked that his name not be connected with your website. Scott is alive in the thoughts of all who loved him and his legacy should not polluted in any way.
...and Scott was a full-fledged card-carrying voting Democrat. He admired Gore, Hillary and Barack. He said once that a dream ticket would have been a combination of any of those three.
I'm done.
If our mother, Janet, had not died a short time ago, your entry would have killed her. How dare you connect any type of judgemental, bigotry to anything associated with our brother. The critique left by one of the viewers on your youtube site sums it up pretty well, "You are a f-----g idiot".
Scott was a strong believer that we as Christians should return to the original core values of the teachings of Jesus. Pointing out the "evils" of another religion is not included in those teachings. Spreading the word of Christ by sharing His teachings of love, compassion, charity, good will and respect was what Scott was teaching before his death.
MUTANIA, all that people like you create is hatred, violence and Atheists.
If I can find out your name, I will not pass it on to the enemies of your imagination, but I will make sure you are known to the Federal Authorities. After seeing your foolish videos, I can see that you are not only a buffoon, but quite possibly a dangerous psychotic buffoon.
Thanks, Todd, for reminding us about Scott's birthday. I shouldn't have forgotten, because he married Dwayne and I on his 41st birthday. It was a great day, and how many people get to have a good friend pastor their wedding?
Regarding Scott's politics: One thing I admired about him is that he would never consider voting solely by party. In particular, he would sometimes vote for someone he didn't agree with because he thought it was really important that there be disagreement in legistlative houses--it was morely likely that the two sides would come up with a better answer than if one side had too strong of a majority. I have not said this nearly as well--or succinctly--as Scott did, but you get the idea.
Does anyone know if Scott's thesis has been published? I know that it was finished by a colleague, but I would love to read it when it is available.
When I saw the link with Scott's blog from Mutainia, my temper flared up like it has not done in years. This blog has become sacred ground to me and Lynne. Since the passing of Mom, I recognize that my feelings are still in a very raw state. I regret becoming so emotional over the defence of Scott's memory. In retrospect I feel a little silly now, but I am unable to delete any listings after being posted.
As Scott drew closer to death, his family saw a dramatic change in his world view and politics. I do know that he, like myself, voted for whom he felt would be the most qualified candidate throughout the years. (I even voted for the first Bush twice) Scott came to the point though, where he looked at Reagan, Bush, and W. Bush as leaders who took this country in a destructive direction that he could no longer support. I was recollecting a conversation that he I and had around the beginning of the 2008 presidential primaries, in which he made that comment about the candidates. He also mentioned that he thought it was about time to hand everything over to the Democrats for a while, hoping they could do better. (I never saw his "Card"...my exaggeration)
I, too, am waiting for news of my brother's thesis. I have a large collection of Scott's writings through the years along with a great collection of photos, and I'm looking forward to including his thesis in my collection. I will make an announcement on this blog when I have news. Please do the same if you hear first.
I miss Scott. I miss Mom. I know that death is just a part of life, but it still hurts, sometimes much more than others. Today is my birthday and there are two ingredients missing that have kept a gray cloud over my head for the few days that have preceded this day. I remind myself regularly, however, how lucky I am to have had a brother like Scott and a mother like Janet.
Todd -
Like you, I consider this spot sacred, as well. Thanks for steering things back in the right direction, that's what they both would have wanted.
I still miss Scott often. At the end of May I went to Las Vegas with my parents and siblings and we went to see Terry Fator. One of his puppets was a frog, and he closed the show with a spot-on Kermit impression and I cried because it reminded me so much of him.
In an unexpected blessing just a couple weeks later, Karla came by my house for a visit. It was so great to see her.
At any rate, you're not alone in your continued grieving, and your family is in my thoughts and prayers.
PS - Todd, was it you that made the inappropriate balloon animals when Scott was in the hospital for his heart-attack in 1995??? I had a hilarious conversation with Scott as a result of those balloons.
I was the "Adult themed" animal balloon twister. My mission at the time was to make him laugh. (it worked) I do remember that it took quite a while for the embarassment to wear off a very young Karla. I also made a joke about a woman I knew who had "Acute Angina". Scott laughed so loud, I thought he'd bust his stitches. (I apologized to Karla)
Good times
The word from Karla is that Scott's dissertation will be published "soon". I am looking forward to reading and attempting to understand it.
When I have more details, they will be posted here.
If anyone was offended by my outbursts the other day, please accept my apology. Scott deserves better.
Todd Becker
We miss you and love you an awful lot.
Todd and Diane
Another dear friend in my '82 McCall, Idaho RA picture is gone. Deb now joins you in heaven, and with Lois you are laughing together like you did in life. I loved you all.
I reread Deb's entry from September 21, 2007. Just from her writing, I could see that she, like so many of Scott's aquaintances, was a wonderful, caring, giving, loving woman. This world is in need of more people like her.
I am so sorry for your loss. Please give my condolences to her family.
Todd Becker
(Scott's brother)
The world changed that day. I went outside, stared at the rising sun, the morning clouds, felt the crisp morning air...but a major part of my world was missing. Mom called me, I called Eric, then I had to make a few deliveries as if nothing had changed. Up to that point, that was the hardest day of my life. I miss him. George Scott Becker, 7/27/61---9/13/07.
Well, Todd, almost every time I saw Scott in my adult life we talked about those adult themed balloon animals. It is one of my favorite Scott stories.
The other one being that he invited me and my boyfriend Ken over to his place when I was 17 to watch Pulp Fiction. I was thinking "cool, we'll go over and watch a nice critically acclaimed movie with my youth pastor." Then we watched it and I was never the same. Hah! He was full of surprises (at least when I was 17 and super naive...).
The holidays are the toughest. I miss you both so much sometimes. I try not to weep, but it just comes, along with that lump in my throat. Mom and Don's wedding anniversary will occur in ten days. I know Don will cry throughout the day. Damn.
Still Love you, Still miss you, Todd
Dear Todd, Jenn Bean, and each of you who are still checking Aufhebung: I remember Todd's weenie dog balloon animals too! I so enjoyed the fact that they were on display when Scott's youth group came to visit him in the hospital.
After Scott's heart attack and bypass, I was able to be with him and Karla for a couple of weeks. The main thing I remember of that time is how much we laughed. One time Scott was laughing so hard that he got dizzy and started to pass out. Of course he said "Look! I'm dying laughing!" Which set off more laughter and more dizziness, till we got scared enough to calm down.
Anyway, it's nice to see fairly recent entries from people who loved Scott
--Lynne Becker
Still think of him often and glad to see I'm not the only one. Man I have some funny stories about that guy. His humor was hilarious. :)
As Mutainia, I have to keep my identity ONLY as Mutainia. You can see in this blog that I am stalked and was attacked here. And, as usual from my enemies, I was attacked without any evidence JUST because I expose Islam. Anyway, Scott was a good friend of mine, and, I thought I'd let his thoughts be heard by reading his "Death By Beaurocracy" onto video which seems fitting now that socialized medicine is knocking at the door. If I sound cold and unfeeling, I'm not. Perhaps, if it's permitted by his surviving loved ones, I can use Scott's name for this video tape and where it will be posted on Propeller.
As Mutainia, I have to keep my identity AS Mutainia, for on Propeller and other sites, I have a hobby of exposing Islam. Right here, in this comment section, you can see for yourself that I'm being stalked and attacked just by trying to pay homage to Scott Becker when all I was doing was introducing people to a guy I thought was really great. I mean, I made a story FEATURING this wonderful blog of his, and, what happens? I get attacked...PROVING that I'm being stalked beCAUSE I expose Islam. It was NOTHING about Scott and this great blog of his, just of how crazy they think I am. And, as usual from my enemies, I'm again attacked without evidence, as you can see in this comment section. So, if you want to see what I look and sound like, the video I'm presenting should be at the end of this entry to Scott's blog. Perhaps some of you will even recognize who I am. But, if you do, please keep it to yourself. Contrary to what the attacker/s say in the comment section, Islam is not peaceful, even though there are peaceful Muslims.
Anyway, being that socialized medicine is now knocking at the door, I felt compelled to make a video featuring Scott's old entry called "Death by Beaurocracy". I don't know if Scott would appreciate this or not being that he seemed to be a huge fan of Obama, but, again, I felt compelled to get some of my viewers hearing the very words of my late friend on a subject that now seems VERY relevant with Socialized medicine looming...to let them know what to expect.
Anon: MUTTAINIA, several good friends of mine are Muslims. I asked them if they are "stalking you". They guaranteed me that any self-respecting follower of Islam would not waste his/her time with someone like you. The consensus is that you are nuts.
Mut: Did you know that Qur'an 3:28 says those Muslim friends of your can't be YOUR friends, unless they want to be cut off from Allah?
Anon: Christian Conspiracy Theorists always embarassed Scott to no end. He used to say, "Unfortunately, these fools are part of my club. EEEshhh!"
Mut: And, how was I foolish?
Anon: Using his name in connection with your idiocy makes my skin crawl.
Mut: What made it "idiocy" to you?
Anon: Scott was a loving, accepting, kind, all-inclusive man.
Mut: And I'm not?
Anon: During the last year of his life, he began to believe that all God's children had a place in this world.
Mut: Did he become a final Universal Salvationist, like myself? Or, did he still believe that that broad was the road that led to damnation like the way I remember he believed, and, that the damnation was for ever?
Anon: Scott mentioned to me that he was realizing that Homosexuals, Muslims, Jews and even ignorant individuals like yourself should be considered with compassion, acceptance and love.
Mut: And, you think I don't want the same? If so, you're wrong.
Anon: I viewed your video. You look like someone who would bomb abortion clinics or murder Muslims and Jews in the name of God.
Mut: Are you sure you went to the right site?
Anon: This world needs fewer people like you.
Mut: If I was for that which you think I'd do, I'd agree.
Anon: Please do not take Scott's name in vain again.
Mut: You don't have to worry about that.
Anon: I can guarantee you that he would have refused your "birthday present", and would have asked that his name not be connected with your website.
Mut: Which one? It SOUNDS like you went to one that was not mine.
Anon: Scott is alive in the thoughts of all who loved him and his legacy should not polluted in any way.
Mut: I believe you're right.
Anon: and Scott was a full-fledged card-carrying voting Democrat. He admired Gore, Hillary and Barack.
Mut: Ok.
Anon: He said once that a dream ticket would have been a combination of any of those three.
I'm done.
Mut: I see.
Anon: If our mother, Janet, had not died a short time ago, your entry would have killed her.
Mut: Wow!
Anon: How dare you connect any type of judgemental, bigotry to anything associated with our brother.
Mut: How was I being those three things you accuse ME of?
Anon: The critique left by one of the viewers on your youtube site sums it up pretty well, "You are a f-----g idiot".
Mut: In what way? WHAT was it that made you feel that way?
Anon: Scott was a strong believer that we as Christians should return to the original core values of the teachings of Jesus.
Mut: The Jesus of the Kingdom Age, or, the Jesus of the Grace Age that Paul preached?
Anon: Pointing out the "evils" of another religion is not included in those teachings.
Mut: I bet he wasn't a fan of the prophet Elijah, true?
Anon: Spreading the word of Christ by sharing His teachings of love, compassion, charity, good will and respect was what Scott was teaching before his death.
Mut: That's nice, and, noble.
Anon: MUTANIA, all that people like you create is hatred, violence and Atheists.
Mut: How so?
Anon: If I can find out your name, I will not pass it on to the enemies of your imagination,
Mut: Are you sure? I'm beginning to think you would.
Anon: but I will make sure you are known to the Federal Authorities.
Mut: Ok...why?
Anon: After seeing your foolish videos,
Mut: What made them foolish to you?
Anon: I can see that you are not only a buffoon, but quite possibly a dangerous psychotic buffoon.
Mut: How so? So far, all you have done is used a bunch of adhominem and personal attack, and NO reasons as to why you accused me of all that. It would help if you actually gave reasons.
Oh, I'm sorry. Did I have a break in understanding, or what? I understand now that I WASN'T being stalked by Muslims here, atleast. The one who attacked me used names and wasn't corrected on it BY those who pay attention to Scott's blog, so, I'm thinking that you WEREN'T one of my Muslim stalkers even though the same language and attitude accusing me of those same things (without evidence), fitted quite closely TOO those who defend terrorist Islam on the net. I mean, I've noticed you don't have to be a Muslim to lash out like that at someone who exposes Islam. And, well, I actually jumped before I looked, so, again, I'm sorry. Anyway, give my regards to my deceased friend's friends and family.
Hey bud,
You have a right to your opinions on any subject matter, but would you mind not sharing those opinions within this forum? I wish, with every fiber of my being, that I did not react the way I did previously. Please accept my apology. My explosive responses came from my raw emotional state due to Mom's death. She was taken away much too soon. I am asking you now though, as a surviving family member, to help keep this blog devoted to the memories and anecdotes of Scott's and Mom's lives. "Aufhebung" has become a wonderful way to stay in touch with those who knew and loved and appreciated Scott. Please, if you have a great balloon-animal story pertaining to Scott, share it. If not, please do as I ask. Thank you.
You're apology is accepted, and I hope you will accept mine as well. Try thinking of this as proof that Scott could have close loyal friends who loved him even IF they didn't see eye to eye with his politics. Truly, I thought I was doing a good thing by trying to bring Propeller community attention to his blog on his birthday. Unfortunately, it looks like it has done neither. By the way, your grief for your mother is quite understandable with such lashing out. I lost my grandma in 2009, and, the grief process still kicked in on me, even though she was 102.
Mom's birthday is today. Mom and Scott are still missed so very much. I would have loved to tell them both about my brand new granddaughter, Chelsea Jo, born just a few days ago. They would have been so happy.
Loving you both, Todd
Reminded of him regularly in strange ways. This week it was two things:
~a guy I barely know on my Facebook was driving around in Seattle and randomly saw a sign on a church lawn that cracked him up, so he took a picture and put it up. It was from Bethany.
~I am mailing some stuff for work to West Covina Boulevard - Madman of West Covina was the title of his second to last entry here.
Miss you lotsa, Potsticker.
A few nights back I attended an Oakland Athletics baseball game against the Seattle Mariners. Through most of the game, I kept seeing Scott next to me, screaming his crazy head off for Ichiro Suzuki. The last game that he and I attended there was a "Mark Kotsay Bobblehead Giveaway" night. We received our bobbleheads and after we sat down in our front row seats, I left for the restroom. When I got back, I saw Scott standing in line with a bunch of kids, bobbleheads in hand, waiting to get them signed by Mark Kotsay. Scott got them both autographed. The rest of the evening, I continually came to his defense while he screamed support for the visiting Seattle Mariners. That was a great time. (Why does it make me cry?) I miss you, Brother.
WONDERFUL, WONDERFUL NEWS!!! Karla Becker is engaged to be married! When there are more details, you will find them here. (HUGE SMILE, with tears of joy)
Todd Becker
Warren be his name...
I'm doing a happy dance right now for Karla (and Warren) and would wet myself with excitement if I were still pregnant. Love, love, love,
Denise (and Dwayne, but he wouldn't wet himself)
Hello. Is anyone out there? I've had a melancholy Monday today, remembering Scott's last morning, September 13, 2007. --Lynne
Three years. It seems a lot longer and yet, it seems like yesterday. Today at 7:00 am, I walked outside just as I did when Mom called me and told me about my brother. It was colder today, a cloudy sky, lots of traffic noise. Then, it seemed as if time had stopped, it was quiet (maybe just in my mind), the world seemed extremely unbalanced and something very valuable was missing, but the sun still shined. It didn't seem right.
I miss you Brother. You are with me always.
I know the holidays are probably the hardest for those that are family of Scott's and Janet's, but I just wanted to let you know that I think of Scott a lot. I'm good friends with a former youth group member and he always reminds me of him. Also, I keep the memorial brochure from Seattle in my Bible. I see him quite frequently in there and remember the good times, and how sad it is that I don't get to talk to him here on earth anymore. I look forward to seeing him in heaven, though. I miss him.
Karla married Warren in a well-attended and beautiful ceremony. And you know something? No one was afraid to talk about Scott. It was a happy occasion. It probably is too much of a stretch to say that this is what Scott wanted, because if he really had a choice, I bet he'd choose to still be alive. But he would love to see Karla so happy after all the resounding grief of losing him 3.5 years ago.
As we pulled up to the church to attend Karla and Warren's wedding, Eric and I, two of Scott's brothers, felt the anxiety developing within us. This was going to be the first time either of us set foot in the church since Scott's memorial service. I found myself replaying the moments from Scott's service in my head as we waited for the wedding ceremony to begin. Once it began, all anxiety and all the heart-breaking memories seemed to fade away. As I told the crowd at the wedding dinner the night before, I needed this. I needed to see Karla continue with her life. Seeing her find happiness and love again with another husband provided me with that final moment of healing that my psyche and my soul craved. I miss Scott dearly but I am now able to see Karla separate from Scott and think of her and Warren as two of my close friends. Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Horton.
Love you guys,
I have a question about your blog. Please email me!
Dear Mr. Haas,
Regarding your last comment: this blog is not really being regularly maintained by anyone. It has remained online since Scott's passing four years ago. Did you have a question regarding Scott or one of his postings?
Glenn (a friend of Scott and Karla)
Did you know that Scott as at least 4 namesakes in the Seattle area? Brendon, Wesley, Parker, and Kai all have Scott as a middle name (which, ironically, is Scott's middle name, too. By George.)
My nephew, Lynne's son, is also names Scott. We are all extremely proud of him. His intellect and sense of humor is definitley on a par with my brother's. I miss him still, so very much.
ANNOUNCEMENT: Many of you may not be aware that Don, our stepfather, passed away August 5 from a severe stroke to the cerebellum. He will always be appreciated for all he did for us and our mother.
I took my kiddos to see the Muppet movie today...they couldn't figure out why I was balling through Rainbow Connection. Still missing him, too.
Any time I hear "Chasing Cars" by Snow Patrol, I insist it's Scott, stopping by for a visit. How have I managed this long without him...
George Becker was one of IBM's first computer programmers, back in the time of punch cards and tape reels. He was the only lumberjack I ever knew. George taught me how to box, to kick a football, to appreciate the Kingston Trio, to build a house and how to tell a good joke. He gave me the confidence that if there was a task to do, I was damn well capable of getting it done. George Becker was our father. He died today, February 1, 2012. I miss him so much already.
Scott, Mom, Don, Dad..... Four years, four lives.
Todd Becker.........
If you would like to see our dad's (George Everett Becker III) San Jose Mercury obituary, go here:
Snow Patrol on the radio, still missing you. So thankful Kelly and I visited you and Karla in CA.
It's been give years, or very nearly so. I've almost completed the Ph.D., and am finishing a dissertation -- something you never got to do. WWSD -- what would Scott do? -- is still one of my guiding moral compasses. Still missing you tremendously. - Maria
Has Scott's dissertation been published? I'd love to read any version of it that's available.
We still come here.
Since Scott left, some seven years ago, I still seek solace here, on this page, with those he loved.
In these seven years since we lost Scott, I've also lost my beloved grandmother, and my incredible dad. And, in true Scott fashion, he left before they did, so that when the time came, I would know how to deal with my grief. Still learning from him so long after he left.
My Facebook post from today reads, "This day, 2007, the earth cracked. I'll never know how many people felt it, but I know none of us will ever be the same. Scott, the spirit you left here still moves, still teaches, still inspires. I really miss you."
Todd, sweet Todd, your family's pain from the last few years, chronicled here, is heart wrenching, awful, and so very beautiful. Where else can we all go to consider the wonderful things we love about such amazing people? Thank you SO much for sharing.
And cheers, Scott. The world just isn't the same, nor will it ever be.
There are a lot of little Scott namesakes running around the Pacific Northwest, but Dwayne and I birthed the one who is least like Scott, unless Scott was an unholy terror at ages 2, 3, 4, and 4 1/2. Hey, Scott, if you're not using all of your humor, patience, peace-making, intelligence, and thoughtfulness, Wesley Scott can use whatever measure you will give him. Hey, is this how praying to the saints started?
Denise, Wesley's frazzled mother
Ah, I love that people are still posting here. And I love that my friend Denise Need posted just a couple days ago! Hang in there Denise...I am sure Wesley Scott is just making sure no one takes the easy path on your journey together. Now that sounds more like the other Scott, doesn't it? :-)
I miss you, brother. Just stopped by to feel your presence for a minute and let you know you are loved.
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Hard to believe it's going on nine years since you started this blog, going on eight since you died. You asked me once, shockingly perceptively, if I thought I was "the marrying kind." I may have changed my mind on that. If you were here, you'd give me good advice. I miss you like hell, still.
I was singing "Rainbow Connection" for my four year old son today, and of course thought of Scott. It was wonderful to see that his blog is still here, and even better to see some of the comments from friends who knew him.
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Todd, I don't know if you still read these or not. I am glad that you kept Scott's memory alive for so long. I still miss him. I know you do as well as the others in your family who've gone on too. If you ever need to shoot the breeze about Scott feel free to email me at dctalkfanatic@gmail.com. Ted (Scott's friend in Wenatchee)
You last posted in 2007, Scott, but you are NOT forgotten. Love seeing Allison and Cathy's posts...as well as those I don't know. Wow, if I was less optimistic, I'd say great job dying before Jan. 20, 2017. I bet you'd wear your own pussy hat quite proudly, though. Love to all of the pieces of Scott living on around the world by the number of people he touched.
Thank you Ted.
The 10 year anniversary last Wednesday was easier than I thought it would be. I will always miss him and sometimes a tear will fill my eye, but life goes on.
Friend me on FB if you like. If not, my email is aartsawandtool@yahoo.com
Very best to you,
10 years.
Those who knew my brother Scott will appreciate the significance of this song. Enjoy it either way.
The Winner"
-Bobby Bare & Shel Silverstein-
The hulk of a man with a beer in his hand he looked like a drunk old fool
And I knew if I hit him right why I could knock him off of that stool
But everybody they said watch out hey that's the Tiger Man McCool
He's had the whole lotta fights and he's always come out winner yeah he's a winner
But I had myself about five too many and I walked up tall and proud
I faced his back and I faced the fact that he had never stooped or bowed
I said Tiger Man you're a pussycat and a hush fell on the crowd
I said let's you and me go outside and see who's the winner
Well he gripped the bar with one big hairy hand then he braced against the wall
He slowly looked up from his beer my God that man was tall
He said boy I see you're a scrapper so just before you fall
I'm gonna tell you just a little bout what it means to be a winner
He said now you see these bright white smilin' teeth you know they ain't my own
Mine rolled away like Chicklets down the street in San Antone
But I left that person cursin' nursin' seven broken bones
And he only broke ah three of mine that makes me the winner
He said now behind this grin I got a steel pin that holds my jaw in place
A trophy of my most successful motorcycle race
And each morning when I wake and touch this scar across my face
It reminds me of all I got by bein' a winner
Now this broken back was the dyin' act of a handsome Harry Clay
That sticky Cincinnati night I stole his wife away
But that woman she gets uglier and she gets meaner every day
But I got her boy that's what makes me a winner
He said you gotta speak loud when you challenge me son cause it's hard for me to hear
With this twisted neck and these migraine pains and this big ole cauliflower ear
And if it wadn't for this glass eye of mine why I'd shed a happy tear
To think of all that you gonna get by bein' a winner
I got arthritic elbows boy I got dislocated knees
From pickin' fights with thunderstorms and chargin' into trees
And my nose been broke so often I might lose if I sneeze
And son you say you still wanna be a winner
Now you remind me a lotta my younger days with your knuckles a clenchin' white
But boy I'm gonna sit right here and sip this beer all night
And if there's somethin' that you gotta gain to prove by winnin' some silly fight
Well okay I quit I lose you're the winner
So I stumbled from that barroom not so tall and not so proud
And behind me I still hear the hoots of laughter of the crowd
But my eyes still see and my nose still works and my teeth're still in my mouth
And you know I guess that makes me the winner
You may be gone, Scott, but, you are not forgotten. After ten years, you are still in my thoughts.
I love your post.
-Todd Becker
I just got the news today from my brother that my dad is now in the end stages of bile duct cancer, the same cancer that claimed Scott 11 years ago. Scott's last entry reads like the symptoms my dad is going through right now. I'd ask for prayers, but, I prayed and fasted for the great Nabeel Qureshi, a fantastic young Christian man of my God who left Islam. I wasn't the only one praying for him, believe me. What it comes down to, is that, when it's your time, it's your time. I saw my dad in the hospital today, he was so happy to see me. He doesn't know he's terminal. I tried to put on a happy face to match his happiness in seeing me, but, the tears began to pour down my face and I had to back out of his room to better prepared to meet him in the hopes of not letting know that he has the same cancer that took our great friend and brother, Scott, all these years ago. Since his symptoms match Scott's, he will probably be gone the same day Scott died 11 years ago, maybe sooner, being that my dad is in his 80's. On the bright side, we have the best care for him. I bought a lot of medical pot for another loved one of mine, but, I will now give it to my dad. Thank God my dad is not allergic to morphine like I am, so, the family and I expect him to go out without fear.
Merry Christmas, Becker family! We think of Scott with more happy remembrances than grief these days...at least until I wrote that last bit. It's hard to think of Scott in a better place when this place was better when he was here.
A few weeks ago, Scott kept popping into my thoughts on the same day.
I was at my local grocery store that I visit multiple times per week and was thinking of how I used to run into him there.
I drove by his old house on my way to drop my son off somewhere and thought of how Scott had me watch Pulp Fiction there with him when I was 17 (I’m still a little scarred from that, hah!).
Then I heard Snow Patrol’s Chasing Cars on the radio, which I can never hear without thinking of him as it was super popular on the radio that last time Kelly and I came down to visit him in 2007, and we talked about it a lot that weekend.
Though it isn’t uncommon for me to think of Scott regularly, at this point in this particular day I was beginning to think ‘wow, Scott’s really trying to say hello to me today, I wonder why he’s so heavy on my mind...’ I thought proactively of him for a few minutes and then realized a short time later via my Facebook memories that it was his birthday, and then cried for a bit.
We are still missing you down here, Scott. Always will be. Wish I could talk to to you about raising a teenage girl in 2019, or the mental health struggles my son goes though. Or really anything at all.
Am I the only one to talk of Scott Becker in 2020? 2020 is such a crazy year that I guess thinking of people from our past takes a backseat. Well, it's been over 13 years since he died of the same cancer that took my dad over a year ago. Unlike Scott, though, my dad didn't go through any treatments, and, if he was suffering, he kept it to himself if you don't count the last 24 hours of his life when a nurse caused internal bleeding within him through a botched catheter insertion. We gave him a LOT of morphine in that last day... probably a little too much. But, due to the internal bleeding and agony from it, maybe it was worth it if we DID accidentally over dose him. Anyway, my dad was one of Scott's foils in his comedy writing back in high school. Fun times.
Oh, Bruce, I'm sorry to hear about your father's painful passing. This clearly has been a hard year for you.
Just as your dad as not been forgotten, Scott is still lovingly remembered. He would have found many things to be outraged over these last years, and he still would have cracked excellent jokes. The world didn't exactly fall apart because Scott died, but maybe this craziness would seem a little more mananageable filtered through his perspective.
Glad to see folks still stopping in. Scott called me on the phone in a dream last night and I woke up so happy to have heard from him. Still miss him too much.
What a legacy...15 years ago about and still see posts of memories of Scott. I miss him, but am so glad that I will get to see him again.
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